Save $25 on any basic repair to your plumbing system.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $25 on any Sewer/Drain Cleaning service.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $35 on purchase and install of any toilet or faucet.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $35 on purchase and install of any sump or ejector pump.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
For many home owners in Lake County, plumbing problems can be overwhelming since they often involve spending lots of money without any guarantee that the problem will be resolved. That’s why we at Downing Plumbing vow to make you feel as comfortable as possible, when you need water heaters repaired or have a leaky toilet or burst pipe, with the assurance that the issue will get fixed fast for a reasonable price.
Our 100% guarantee means that our repairs are good for at least one year, or we will take care of them for free, and our straightforward price quotes keep you from being unpleasantly surprised by your bill. These benefits allow you to get high quality results that fit within your budget.