Save $25 on any basic repair to your plumbing system.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $25 on any Sewer/Drain Cleaning service.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $35 on purchase and install of any toilet or faucet.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Save $35 on purchase and install of any sump or ejector pump.
Offer expires 05/09/2025. May not be combined with any other offer.
Has your kitchen sink become an eye sore? Does your bathroom sink need a major makeover? Would you like a top of the line kitchen sink
that will handle all your cooking needs? There are lots of choices in sinks you can choose from; stylish, efficient and unique.
Our plumbing team offers a wide assortment of sinks to choose from. Now more than ever, this is a good time to upgrade your home, and your kitchen or bathroom is a great place to start. Get your options today by calling Downing Plumbing or schedule an appointment online.